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As part of VeLoCi's research activities, to explore the topic of the perception and material and symbolic experience of "living with ruins", the Principal Investigator Giulia Ceriani Sebregondi is in Berlin to study the exhibition "The Allure of Rome. Maarten van Heemskerck Draws the City" dedicated to the Dutch artist who was in Rome from 1532 to 1536/37, producing dozens of drawings of the ancient monuments of the city, essential visual sources for the history of excavations and of the relationship with ruins.

Maarten van Heemskerck was among the first to sketch the Roman Forum, the Imperial Forums, the baths, the remains on Quirinal Hill and Palatine Hill, as well as the first views of the arising collections of antiquities. Several series of engravings based on his drawings spread this imagery throughout Europe.

In the mission, special attention is also given to the display, communication and dissemination aspects of the exhibition.