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Sapienza Università di Roma, Aula magna del Dipartimento di Storia, disegno e restauro dell’architettura - Real Academia de España en Roma, conference room. 2024  September 19-20.

The VeLoCi team will contribute to the international conference “Modernamente Antico. Internazionalità del linguaggio architettonico da Bramante a Michelangelo” that will be held in Roma next September 19 and 20. 

Organized by Flavia Cantatore (Sapienza University of Rome), the conference aims to explore the widespread use, through Bramante's production, of the "all'antica" Renaissance architecture in Italian and European courts, particularly in France and Spain.   

The first session of the conference, entitled “Models, Elaboration and Diffusion of the New Architectural Language in Italian Courts”, will feature papers by our Principal Investigator Giulia Ceriani Sebregondi and by our Post-Doc member Giorgia Aureli, focused on Baldassarre Peruzzi (1481-1536) project for the convent of Santa Maria Liberatrice within the ancient remains of the Roman Forum, and on the studies made by Giuliano da Sangallo (1445-1516) of the Mausoleum of the Roman military and politician Lucio Munazio Planco in Gaeta, respectively. Both topics dialogue with the studies conducted as part of VeLoCi second line of investigation, Antiquaria between imagery and protoarchaeology

Please, download the conference program here