Call for Papers "Lost Cities in a Global Perspective: Sources, Experience, Imagery in Early Modern Period (XV-XVIII century) (2)
The Call for Papers for the International Conference "Lost Cities in a Global Perspective: Sources, Experience, Imagery in Early Modern Period (XV-XVIII century)" is now open. The conference, organized by Giulia Ceriani Sebregondi, Francesca Mattei e Danila Jacazzi, is promoted as part of the dissemination activity of the "VeLoCi" project, at the end of its duration.
Starting from the case study of the Vesuvian cities, the international conference is aimed to investigate in an interdisciplinary and comparative way the material and imaginary dimensions assumed by the lost cities in a global perspective, before the birth of archaeology as a science in the 18th-19th century.
We invite scholars from a variety of disciplines, including architectural history, art and literary history, history, history of science, archaeology, cultural studies, and other related fields, to submit papers examining cases from any geographical context. Interdisciplinary approaches are particularly welcome, as are contributions that reflect on the exchange of knowledge and cultures at a global level.